My journey as a Medical Assistant was coming up on 8 years, my dream was to always become a nurse, and my path to becoming a nurse was not working in my favor due to availability. So back to the drawing board, I went. I was at a community college where I was unhappy with certain outcomes, so one day filled out the “Request Info” sheet for P.I.T., and less than 24hrs later I received a call from Mercedes Johnson, who was extremely helpful and lovely to work with, she answered all my questions, helped me feel prepared to take this leap into a full-time LPN program. I walked into work and told my co-worker, who was also on her Nursing journey, that this is it, we are going to P.I.T. to become LPNs. Once I gave her all the info that Mercedes relayed to me, our new Journey with PIT had begun! Everyone was amazing and made my transition so smooth and seamless.

I want to thank Mercedes in Admissions, Kara in Compliance, Stephanie, and Michelle in Financial Aid, and Corey the Nursing Director who gave an awesome LPN Information Session. Thank you all again, and I am so excited to start my LPN program this summer.